Pay It Forward Giveaway
I get to work with some pretty amazing companies and they love supporting great causes. Because of this I have a backpack filled with all kinds of gifts, from jackets to jeans. Over $400 dollars in all.
I did a post on my Instagram asking people to do something good and post about it to encourage others to do the same. They didn't need to follow me or the companies. This wasn't about gaining followers but instead about paying it forward and making the world a better place.
The response is overwhelming and every post makes me cry. Hearing these stories restores my faith in humanity and I know that together we truly can make a difference. It all starts with one.
The giveaway is for one week and I'll be posting every single #payitforwardgiveaway post on my website so you all can see what an impact a little good can do.
I'd love to say I'm great at giving back, but I'm sure I don't amount to most. However, to start out we adopted these two pups that were just left one at the dump and the other at Walmart (both came from rescues) and we try to support the rescues still by attending various fund raisers they have (with a goal of fostering some day). But by giving back to these pups we have gained so much. I also donate to local charities through the United fund and other means.
One thing I do and always will do is hold the door open for everyone. Just that gesture can put a smile on someone's face. Love that!
I'm trying to raise $1000 to help fund research and provide support to families whose children have Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). I will be riding over 1000 miles in under 24 hours on 12 November in honor of Ryder Davis. Help me reach my goal... if you can't donate please share this post. SMA is the leading genetic cause of death in children under 2 and right now there is no treatment or cure. Link in bio will take you to a secure site to donate to Cure SMA and learn more about Ryder and the event. THANKS!!
Have a Heart for Haiti | I traveled to Haiti for the first time when I was 19 and a single adult female. A trip that touched me to the core and left a deep imprint on my heart. I didn't take many pictures, mostly mental ones. Here's one I took while riding behind this truck in the capital of Port-au-Prince. The man in front and I stared at each other for quite some time. I felt quite ashamed to be in such a nice car alone in the back seat. While exploring the villages I saw families bathing in low lying filthy rivers and taking large buckets of that water back to their homes. The cows were also staying cool in the water, so you can imagine how unsanitary it was. Women carrying huge blocks of ice on their heads and walking barefoot up the long dirt roads with one hand on their children. So many antiquated and such hardship sites to be seen all around. Years later I traveled back to the island and nothing had really changed. I'll never forget my time there and for the beautiful people who shared their lives with me. Now after years of natural disasters one after the other, the land and the people of Haiti need help more than ever and getting clean water is essential for their survival. I wouldn't feel human if I didn't feel the need to share in some compassion after all that has happened since hurricane Matthew has hit. Please, if you could visit @wavesforwater and check out what this dedicated group is doing to help bring hope and clean water to Haiti and other parts of the World. You can help too by making a donation. Lastly, if you didn't know the man ( @jon_rose ) in charge of this mission is also in the moto community, so do show how we can come together and put our passions to good use and help those in need. Thank you! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo 🙏🏻 ~ MPG #haiti #helpforhaiti #wheelsforwater #donated #payitforwardgiveaway