On the 10 year anniversary of my dad's death I started working on rebuilding his motorcycle garage. The idea started simple, it would be a place where I could work on my bikes and remain close to my father. After a few days people started to notice and then stopping by and that's when the idea came to do something more for the people of my town. We're a town built on tourism and for half of the year we're poor and bored. Having a place where people can come, learn a skill, communicate, read, play games or just hang out builds a stronger community and most importantly it gets the ball rolling on others doing the same.
I love my hometown, Cave City. When I was little I told my mama I was going to get rich so I could buy the whole place and make it a place everyone will want to come see. We only have 2200 people who live here but because of the National Park, longest cave in the world, Green River and nations best mountain biking trials my little town host 640,000 people annually. This city has more potential than any other city I’ve seen and I want to make that childhood dream come true. This community garage is just the spark to ignite a flame to make it happen. But I need help.
I’ve used mostly recycled materials from my neighborhood, borrowed tools, bartered for labor, worked very long hours myself and sold some items to invest back into the garage. I have a deadline with the state to get the building up to code and a deadline with my electrician for wiring of the lights and upgrades in power needed. Licenses have been applied for the space to be a FREE community garage, library and retail packaged beer / bar. But I need help to finish it financially. I’m keeping my cost very low but still structural lumber, paint, stain, and professional labor is costing me. I hate asking for help but I figured if all of my followers donated just a dollar I would have more than enough to finish the garage and donate back into my community by rebuilding the downtown playground or build a dog park (something we don’t have at all). This is the best way I could ever think of honoring my father. If you want to help you can donate through my Paypal (leticiacline@me.com) or Venmo @leticiacline. Or you can purchased needed items from the Amazon Wish List.
The deadline for my inspection is June 25th, 2018 and my goal is $5,000
Thanks in advance for the help! Let’s build something great together.